Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another Priceless Quote

"I think I've made it pretty clear in an indirect and passive aggressive way that..."

I will not finish the sentence, but if you have lived in Japan long enough, you will know that this can apply to a variety of situations. Revealing the remainder of this sentence would reveal too much about my current life situation. Oh, the joys of living and working in Japan...


Perogyo said...

I feel your vague and indistinct pain. LOL!

Mande said...

The interesting this is that going the passive-aggressive indirect route leaves you with a myriad of options in life! Being direct with people gives you ONLY ONE option. How boring is that?

Enjoy life! Be (passive) aggressive! Go team!

Anonymous said...

Oooo I so know what you mean. Sometimes, I regret a direct comment/opinion because it is harder to sway from it later. I dont know if we have to be passive-aggressive tho... How about just good old Jpnese "vague" and non-committal?

Mande said...

No no, passive aggressive all the way baby. I want to make a list of all the passive aggressive things I am doing to drive a certain two people crazy, but that would not be passive aggressive then would it? What if they read my blog?