Here are a few funny quotes that I have collected over the past several months:
A conversation between me and my husband -
Him: "I think about death at least once a day."
Me: "Death? You should be thinking about sex nine million times a day instead!"
A snippet of conversation between me and a friend -
"I will teach my dear husband that I am a fairy and not a maid!!!!"
A conversation overheard in Walmart, just before Xmas, in the toy section. We were standing in front of the very educational V-tech toys -
"I don't want to get him one of those toys. I mean, remember Josh? He had all kinds of those toys, and look at him now. He's a genius. I don't want my Colby to be like that."
A conversation between me and my colleagues -
"I don't know where everyone went, but it seems they all went off somewhere with that smelly woman."
"That woman has a name! It's ... something."